Catch ya later Florida!

Gigglosophy Bracelet & Naerdi from Nordstrom

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Thank goodness it is Memorial day weekend which also means an extra day off from my cube farm and a weekend with my beloved BOYFRIEND!  Soo excited to leave Florida for a weekend and go up north to feel the cool air and do some shopping and exploring! We are going to be going to KOP ( my favorite mall) and staying in the Philly area which will be nice!

Meanwhile on this beautiful Friday, I did get the pleasure of working for a short time with my work buddy Ryan’s birthday! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY RY) We had a little cookie cake for him and enjoyed some laughter together. Packing sucked majorly, I barely could fit everything in that duffle bag but it was a success ( with some sitting on and grunts) it finally zipped up!

Oh also, I can’t help but show off my new Gigglosophy bracelet! I am absolutely obsessed with them, check them out on Etsy for personalized jewelry!

I hope you guys have a fun and safe Memorial day weekend! I love hearing your thoughts, so leave some love and don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest!

Make me smile!